The Library at the University of Galway welcomes and supports all 1st years in their transition to third level education.
As part of your studies, you will be required to find and use scholarly information sources to conduct research for your assignments and assessments. This will include using a myriad of different sources including books and peer-reviewed journal articles. The Library can support you in using the Library catalogue and key databases to find the information you need for your academic work and help make your first year a success.
The main focus of this guide is on the Library’s Academic Skills service. We can support you with the development of essential information and research skills. Some of these skills include using the Library to find resources, developing your skills around critical thinking and developing academic integrity.
There are a number of ways you can engage with us; you’ll find out more later in this manual. For now, know that we’re here to help, and one good way to reach us is via email,
Check out the following podcast where Raimey O’Boyle chats with Regina Lyons from the Academic Skills team in the Library and shares tips on how to navigate the Library and advises on the fantastic resources available.
Join us for a virtual tour of the Library.
Wishing you every success in the year ahead!