
Global Media team and points of contact

The Discipline of Journalism and Media includes full-time academics as well as specialised professional journalists and other communications professionals who teach individual modules on a part-time basis. Full-time staff can be contacted via their university email addresses and are available during office hours for meetings weekly (check with staff for their office hours). Part-time staff are available to be contacted via their university email addresses but do not hold regular office hours.

You can meet our full team at this link

BA Global Media programme director:         Dr Kelly Fincham


Erasmus co-ordinator:                                     Irene O’Malley


Placement officer:                                            Maeve Daly


Programme administrator                              Shania Collins

The programme administrator is your first point of contact for any matters relating to the administration of your programme. They can also advise you who to contact in matters relating to examinations, registration, appeals and student welfare.

Module leaders

Each module is overseen by at least one module coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for the setting and delivery of the module syllabus, setting and marking assessments, producing the assessment guidelines, updating the module content on Canvas and for the overall learning experience of students enrolled on the module. In some cases the coordinator will not be the lecturer delivering the module, but will be identified on the Module Outline/Syllabus document you will receive in week one and/or posted to Canvas. For queries relating to a specific module the module coordinator should be your first point of contact.

Meetings and office hours

Staff aim to be approachable and responsive to students’ needs, insofar as practically possible in the context of their other professional obligations, and while bearing in mind that we sometimes best assist students best by referring them to other professionals within the university, such as the counselling service or the College of Arts office. All staff hold regular office hours weekly during the semester. Times are advertised on office doors. They will usually take place at the same time each week. Many lecturers will also provide students with an opportunity to sign up for particular slots. In general, students should try to keep consultations to about 10 minutes, so as to ensure that all students have a chance to meet lecturers during office hours. Students can also communicate with staff by email (see contact details ). In general, if your query is complicated or personal, it is better to discuss it with the lecturer during office hours. Many lecturers will also make time to answer individual queries at the end of classes, but do note that it may not always be possible to do this (for example, a lecturer may have another class to get to).

In order to save you time, it is important that you contact the most appropriate people to help you with your query.

Your query Who to contact
You are confused about the module content or assessment The course tutors or lecturer
You want to ask for an extension The module coordinator
You need to defer your assessment because of serious illness or bereavement The College of Arts office (Catherine McCurry / Deirdre Finan)

See Extenuating Circumstances (EC) policy

You are ill Your GP or other medical professional
You are experiencing stress, anxiety or other personal problems Your GP, the student counselling service, the Students Union (SU) welfare office
You want to pass on documentation to explain absence / lateness (e.g. medical cert) Head of Discipline (HoD) or programme director. College office in the case of ECs
For anything else JM staff are always happy to meet students during office hours, and can discuss any issues that you wish to raise.




Global Media BA Handbook Copyright © by Kelly Fincham. All Rights Reserved.