
Requirements for Passing of Examinations

In Second, Third and Final Year, students must successfully pass each module in order to pass the year. The pass standard for a Module is 40%.

The rules of compensating from one module to another can only be considered at the official Examination board in June when students have completed an academic workload of 60 ECTS. Therefore, marks achieved in the range of 35-39 in Semester 1 assessments/examinations or Semester 2 modules must be considered as a Fail mark and students should prepare to repeat the relevant module(s) at the Second (August) Sitting unless their First Sitting Exam Transcript issued in June records an overall Pass for the year. Please refer to the rules of compensation below for further details.

Rules of compensation at the First Sitting (June) Examination Board:

Compensation can only be applied in cases where its application enables the student to pass the year overall at the June Examination Board.

Please note that a student with marks of less than 40 in one or more modules will only be able to compensate at the June Examination Board, if all of  the following conditions are met:

  • Students must have completed 60 ECTS at the end of the Academic Year in question;
  • The overall result for the year is at least 40%;
  • The mark in the relevant module is in the range of 35 – 39;
  • If a student achieves a mark in the range of 35 – 39 in a module, compensation can only be applied if they have achieved surplus marks above 40 (equal to the deficiency of marks in the module in which a 35 – 39 had been achieved) across one or more modules in the same subject;

For example  – A student taking Global Media and Soc and Pol passes Soc and Pol, but achieves a mark of 35 in a Global Media module, in order to be considered for compensation a student must have achieved a minimum of 45 in another Global Media module or 5 additional marks above 40 across the remaining Global Media modules;

  • The module(s) with marks in the range of 35-39 totals a maximum of 15 ECTS or less;
  • Students registered for subject-based programmes such as the BA (Joint-Honours) cannot compensate more than 10 ECTS in one of their subjects and 5 ECTS in their second subject;

Please note when the First Sitting results released in June indicate that a student’s overall result for the year is a Fail/Absent/Incomplete or Deferred, students will be obliged to retake every module in which they achieved a mark of less than 40 at the next Sitting in August Examination or in a Repeat Year.

The above rules of compensation also apply at the Second Sitting August Examination Board.


Global Media BA Handbook Copyright © by Kelly Fincham. All Rights Reserved.