
Semester Dates

Event Date
Academic Orientation
Thursday 5th September 2024
Orientation Friday 6th September 2024
Teaching begins Monday 9th September 2024
Teaching ends Friday 29th November 2024
Study week Monday 2nd December – Friday 6th December 2024
Semester one Exams begin Monday 9th December 2024
Semester one Exams end Friday 20th December 2024

*Your examinations may be completed before this date, but you are advised not to make travel arrangements homeward before this, allowing for the possibility that some examinations may be rescheduled. Examination of modules which are taught to domestic first year students may be scheduled during study week.

orientation: Support Services

Date: Thursday 5th September 2024

Time: 9.30 – 1pm

Venue: Bailey Allen Hall, Áras na Mac Léinn


Information Session for Erasmus Students

Date: Thursday 5th September 2024

Time: 2pm – 3.30pm

Venue: Bailey Allen Hall, Áras na Mac Léinn


Orientation: Academic

Date: Friday 6th September 2023

Time: 8.30am – 4pm

Venue: Bailey Allen Hall, Áras na Mac Léinn


Student ID Cards

Student ID Cards will be distributed to students during orientation.

Academic Information

This Academic Information Booklet provides a comprehensive list of modules which are available to Visiting and Erasmus students. Students may select modules from a wide number of Disciplines in different years.

No change to the official lecture schedule or examination timetable can be made. Should two of the modules in which you are interested clash on the lecture schedule, you must choose between the two.

Understanding Module Codes

As a general rule, the structure of a module’s code is made up of a sequence of letters and numbers. The module code starts with two letters which denote the Discipline teaching the module (e.g. HI – History, AN – Anatomy, LW-Law). The remainder of the module code is made up of three or four numbers. The first number in the sequence normally indicates the year the module is delivered to e.g. HI165/CT1102 are modules offered to first year domestic students. HI208 is a module offered to second year domestic students, HI362 is a module offered to third year domestic students etc. Module codes starting with the numbers 4 or 5 are normally offered to 3rd and/or 4th year students. The higher the number, the more advanced the module is. Visiting and Erasmus students are offered modules from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year.

Full Year Modules

Students wishing to enrol on a full year module must be registered at University of Galway for a full academic year. Students who are only registering for one semester may not enrol on full year modules.

If a module is not listed in this booklet, do not attempt to register for it!

Academic Load

Modules are credited in ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). The ECTS protocol allocates 60 credits to a full academic year’s work, and 30 credits to a semester’s work. Visiting/Erasmus students may, at their discretion, take fewer or more credits but should carefully consider the implications, from the point of view of transferring credit, of taking less than the full-time quota. You should discuss your course load with your home institution. Access further information about the ECTs system at http://ec.europa.eu/education/tools/ects_en.htm

Lecture Timetables

Lecture timetables are available from Disciplines. Call to the Discipline’s office in person, visit the Discipline’s website or email the Discipline to request a timetable. The addresses of Discipline offices, their websites and a contact email address are listed in this booklet together with the list of modules on offer for that Discipline. Visit the Discipline websites via https://www.universityofgalway.ie/colleges-and-schools/

Module Selection & Registration

Students are permitted to attend classes prior to registering their module selection in order to make an informed decision regarding the modules they wish to follow for the semester. Module Registration for Visiting Students opens on Monday 9th September and will close on September 20th, 2024. Changes to registration will not be accommodated after this date.

To register your modules:

  1. Logon using this link https://sis.nuigalway.ie/app/f?p=21202:101
  2. Enter your User Name (ID number) and password

  3. Update your personal details e.g. term address, mobile number only under the ‘Profile’ tab, update any personal details and hit ‘Continue’

  4. Click ‘Choose Subjects/Modules’ to select your subjects/modules (where relevant) and follow the prompts provided.

  5. A full course load is 30 ECTS per semester. Please check with your home institution to confirm how many credits you are required to register for.

Note: Students Registering for Science and Engineering modules must complete the Science and Engineering Registration Form provided at Orientation and submit it to the International Office before September 20th, 2024. Admission of Visiting Students to individual Science and Engineering modules is subject to the agreement of the Head of Discipline and will depend upon the applicant’s academic background in the relevant subject areas and the availability of places within the module.

Registration Statements

Once you register your modules on My Campus and click ’Finish’ your modules are registered. Please print a copy of your registration statement for your own records.


The University will only certify examination results when the results have been obtained at the formal assessments. Consequently, you should not attempt to make arrangements with individual members of staff regarding the substitution of essays or other coursework for formal examinations. Such arrangements, if made, will not be officially recognised and a result for the module in question will not appear on your transcript.

Please consider the notes on Examination Timetables below. Disciplines will advise of arrangements for modules being examined by essay. Continuous assessment elements and/or essays may form part of the assessment process in any module.

Past examination papers

To assist with preparation for examinations, students can obtain copies of previous examination papers on the Library website 

Examinations Timetables

The final schedules and the examination timetable for all Colleges will be published on the web at https://www.universityofgalway.ie/exams/. Timetables are normally released mid-semester. Examinations will be completed by Friday 20th December, 2024. Please note that modules assessed by essay will be assessed and completed before the formal examinations commence.

Modules may be timetabled at the same time for examination even where the lecture timetable does not clash. It is important when the examination timetable issues, that you check if you have a clash. If you examinations clash, you should visit the Student Information Desk , ground floor in Áras Uí Chathail to report the issue. Students should also check their personal examination schedule to ensure that all their examinations are listed. In the unlikely event of an examination not showing, this should be reported in person to the Student Information Desk, Ground Floor, Áras Uí Chathail.

Only modules which are examined by formal examination papers are listed on the examination timetable. Arrangements for modules examined by means of essays etc. will be notified by the Discipline providing the module. Such arrangements must be strictly complied with.

Procedures & Regulations for Examinations

Students are required to adhere to University of Galway’s examination procedures and regulations. All students intending to sit University of Galway examinations are required inform themselves of the regulations governing examinations. You can read University of Galway’s examination procedures document here https://www.universityofgalway.ie/exams/policies-procedures/


Second Sitting Exam Protocols

  1. Should a Visiting Student (Erasmus 1EM1, Study Abroad 1OA2, International Exchange 1OA3) fail a module, they will not be automatically enrolled to complete a Second Sit of this module.


  1. If a student wishes to complete a Second Sit of a failed module, they must contact their relevant coordinator listed below by 9TH July 2025.



Students should not contact the Exams Office.


  1. Availability of Second Sit Examinations will depend on the module coordinator and are not guaranteed. Some module coordinators may offer an alternative assessment in place of an examination. This is at the discretion of the school/college or module coordinator.


  1. If a Second Sit examination is available for a module, the coordinator will inform the student to register as a late entry with Student Registry Helpdesk (SRH). Students do not need to contact Exams Office.


  1. Second Sit examinations, where available, take place in August and are in person only. Your exam schedule will be available from the Student Registry Helpdesk (SRH) only if you have been registered for a ‘Late Entry’.


  1. All students who are availing of a second sit exam must be registered as a ‘late entry’ before the second sit exams period commences. Exam dates are available here. For AY2024/2025, exams commence 5th August, 2025.


  1. Second Sit Examination results will be returned to the International Office for processing.


  1. Transcripts will be available for second sit examination results from the International Office. Students do not need to contact Exams Office.


Examination Standards

Please note the following University of Galway standards: Modules taken must be passed at 40%.

% Mark Honours Level
40% or above Third Class Honours
50% or above Second Class Honours, Grade 2
60% or above Second Class Honours, Grade 1
70% or above First Class Honours

Code of Conduct

The primary objectives of the University are the dissemination and advancement of knowledge and understanding through teaching, research, study and rational discussion. Any student who enrols for any course in the University in doing so accepts the objectives of the University and is giving a commitment, as a responsible individual and as a member of the University community, to behave in an appropriate manner.

The Student Code of Conduct offers guidelines as to the norms of behaviour that accord with the obligations of students, but where more specific requirements are in place, they are available on the University’s web site. It should be noted that Students of the University cannot claim any privileged position in regard to the general law of the land.

Breaches of this Code and of any University regulations make students liable to the imposition of sanctions. Students can review the full Code of Conduct at https://www.universityofgalway.ie/student-services/policies/

Campus Account (IT Account)

Campus Account (IT Account) provides access, using a single user ID and password, to the: PC Suites, WiFi, Email & Office 365 Apps, Blackboard, Library Systems, Self-Service Registration, MyCampus, Placement, Exam timetable and Exam results.

User ID is your current Registration/Student ID number. This ID is used to access all services except student email (Office 365). Your student email username is your the University of Galway email address. Your student identity number will be sent to you in an email prior to arrival via email.

Get started by activating your Campus Account (IT Account)

(a)  Go online to https://www.universityofgalway.ie/information-solutions-services/studentrecordssystem/studentaccess/newstudents/ for help and support with accessing your account.

(b) You will receive an email to set up MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) before you arrive.

(c)   Login using the following credentials:

User ID is your current Registration/Student ID number

Password is your temporary Activation Password

(d)    Complete the activation questions.

(e)   Choose your new Campus Account Password. Note: Password must be at least 8 characters in length. Your Campus Account is now active.

If you have any difficulties activating your campus account, please email servicedesk@universityofgalway.ie You should provide your name and identity number when reporting the issue.

Change of Galway Address

Students should notify Dr. Cyril Reddington, International Office, of any change of address.

Email: cyril.reddington@universityofgalway.ie. Non-EU students must also notify the GNIB of a change of address. Tel: 091 768002/ Fax 091 768003.


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