
College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies

Visiting Students should note that some Examinations may be scheduled during Study Week in either Semester 1 or in Semester 2. Therefore, students should not make travel arrangements during or around these weeks.

Visiting Students registering for Semester 1 (Fall) only, may not select modules that are offered for the full academic year.


Location ARC217, Arts/Science Building
Contact fiona.mcinerney@universityofgalway.ie  091 492167
Website www.universityofgalway.ie/archaeology/
Timetable https://www.universityofgalway.ie/media/collegeofartssocialsciencescelticstudies/schools/geographyarchaeology/archaeology/documents/Archaeology-2024-2025—Visiting-Students-Guide.pdf

Please email carleton.jones@universityofgalway.ie for timetable information

Module Code Module Title Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
AR1106 Recording Monuments in the Landscape 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AR1105 Medieval Ireland and Europe 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AR2101 Early Kingship: From Chaos to Cosmos 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AR2106 Introduction to Archaeological Excavation 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AR236 Interpretation in Archaeology 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AR245 Archaeology in Practice 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AR3101 Landscape and Archaeology: Context and Practice 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AR347 Palaeoecology– Reconstructing Past Environments 2 5 Continuous Assessment

Children’s Studies

Location Kate Harvey, School of Education, Nuns Island
Contact kate.harvey@universityofgalway.ie

Please contact Kate Harvey for course descriptions and timetables.

Module Code Module Title Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
CN1103 Children in Social Contexts 2 5 Continuous Assessment + 2 hour exam
CN1100 Children and Health 2 5 Continuous Assessment + 2 hour exam
CN1104 Fairytales and Children 2 5 Continuous Assessment + 2 hour exam
CN1105 The Child in Film 2 5 Continuous Assessment + 2 hour exam
CN2100 Adolescents in Ireland: Healthy and Risky Behaviors 2 5 Essay
CN2109 Food and Health in Children and Young Adult Literature 2 5 Continuous Assessment
CN2110 Global Childhoods 2 5 In-house Examination
CSS201 Introduction to Child Law 2 5 Continuous Assessment
CN4100 Supporting Children with Diverse Needs 2 15 Continuous Assessment & Project
CN4102 Children, Culture and the Media 2 10 Continuous Assessment
CN4103 The World of Picture books: Approaches and Aesthetics 2 5 Essay & Project

Ancient Classics

Location Room 508, Tower Block 2, Arts/Science Building
Contact classics@universityofgalway.ie 091-495448
Website www.universityofgalway.ie/classics/
Timetables https://www.universityofgalway.ie/media/collegeofartssocialsciencescelticstudies/schools/languages/classics/Ancient-Classics-Timetable-2024-25.pdf

Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions. Descriptions are listed under First Arts, Second Arts, and Final Arts on the menu.

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
CC1102 Empire and Literature in Ancient Rome 2 5 2 hour examination and Continuous Assessment
CC232 Beginning Latin Part 2 2 5 Essay and Continuous Assessment
CC2104 The City-State 2 5 2 hour examination and Continuous Assessment
CC3100 Pompeii 2 5 Essay and Continuous Assessment
CCS316 Intermediate Latin 2 2 5 Essay and Continuous Assessment
CCS307 Ireland and the Ancient World 2 5 Essay and Continuous Assessment
CCS306 Iconography 2 5 Essay and Continuous Assessment
CC321 Latin Texts from Medieval Ireland and Britain 2 5 Continuous Assessment
CC2107 Science and God 2 5 Essay and Continuous Assessment

* These modules are provided across the entire year and may not be taken by students attending one semester only.

Computer Science

Location: CSB-3014, Computer Science Building
Contact: computerscience@universityofgalway.ie  091 493259




Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions.

In all cases, prospective Visiting Students should contact the relevant I.T. Lecturer and Programme Director to gain access to the following modules, as there may be some prerequisites in some cases:

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
Second Year Modules
CT2102 Object-Oriented Programming II 2 5 Continuous Assessment
CT2104 Web Application Development 2 5 2 hour examination
Third Year Modules
CT411+ Multimedia Development 2 5 2 hour examination & Continuous Assessment

+These modules are options chosen by University of Galway undergraduates. Some of these options may not be available in any particular year.

Roinn na Gaeilge – Celtic Civilization

Location: Roinn na Gaeilge, Áras na Gaeilge
Contact: fiona.depaor@ollscoilnagaillimhe.ie
Website: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/gaeilge/celtic-civilisation/visiting-students/
Timetables  https://www.universityofgalway.ie/gaeilge/celtic-civilisation/  – Follow the link and click into one of the booklets to see timetable information

Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions. Module information is listed in Course Booklets for First Year to Final Year.

The following modules are taught through the medium of English:

Code Module Semester ECTS    Examination Arrangements
SG116 Celtic Mythology, Religion and Folklore 2 5 Mid-Term Exam and Continuous Assessment
SG217 ‘A Field of Gods and Men’: Ancient Celtic Myths 2 5 Continuous Assessment and 2 hour Examination
SG220 King Arthur and the Holy Grail 2 5 Essay
SG316 The Celtic Languages and their Relatives 2 5 Essay
SG320 Medieval Women in the Celtic-Speaking West 2 5 Essay
SG3102 Celtic Onomastics 2 5 Continuous Assessment



Location: Roinn na Gaeilge, Áras na Gaeilge
Contact: Fiona.depaor@oegaillimh.ie
Website: http://www.universityofgalway.ie/gaeilge/

See website for course descriptions– download course booklets

You must have a high-level of fluency in the Irish language to participate in the modules listed below.

Cód Modúil Seimeastar ECTS Scrúdú
NG1107 Scéal agus Pobal na Gaeilge 2 5 Measúnú Leanúnach & Aiste
NG228 Teanga na Nua-Ghaeilge II 2 5 Measúnú Leanúnach & Scrúdú Scríofa
NG2102 Scannánaíocht na Gaeilge 2 5 Measúnú Leanúnach & Aiste
NG2103 Teanga na Sean-Ghaeilge I 2 5 Measúnú Leanúnach & Aiste
NG2107 Ainmneacha, Sloinnte agus Logainmneacha na hÉireann 2 5 Measúnú Leanúnach & Aiste
NG2108 Canúint agus Caighdeán 2 5 Measúnú Leanúnach & Aiste
NG2109 Téamaí i Nuafhilíocht na Gaeilge 2 5 Measúnú Leanúnach & Aiste
NG4114 Teanga na Nua-Ghaeilge IV 2 5 Scrúdú (2 uair an chloig)
NG4105 An Béaloideas – An Scéalaíocht 2 5 Measúnú Leanúnach
NG4109 Próslitríocht na Gaeilge 2 5 Measúnú Leanúnach & Aistí
NG2111 Scríbhneoireacht Mháirtín Uí Chadhain 2 5 Aiste & Cur i Láthair


Gaeilge do Thosaitheoirí / (Beginners Irish)

Location: Room 103, Áras na Gaeilge
Contact: evan.ogriofa@universityofgalway.ie
Website: http://www.universityofgalway.ie/acadamh
Timetable: Accredited Irish Language Course for visiting students – University of Galway (acadamh.ie)

Tá Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge ag tairiscint cúrsaí Gaeilge do thosaitheoirí a bheidh ar fáil i seimeastar 2 den bhliain acadúil. Beidh rogha ag mic léinn: tabhairt faoi

  • Cúrsa A: Irish for Beginners: Modúl Gaeilge 5 ECTS dhá uair an chloig sa tseachtain nó
  • Cúrsa B: Irish for Beginners I and II: Dhá mhodúl Gaeilge (10 ECTS san iomlán) ceithre huaire an chloig sa tseachtain.


Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge is providing Irish language courses for beginners which will be available in semester 2 of the academic year. Students will have the option to study:

  • Course A Irish for Beginners: a module of 5 ECTS (Irish for Beginners) two hours a week or
  • Course B Irish for Beginners I: Conversation & Listening Skills and Irish for Beginners II: Reading and Writing: Two modules of 10 ECTS in total four hours a week.

Information Session will be held in An Téatar, Áras na Gaeilge at 1pm Monday January 13th 2025.
Classes for modules GDT101.2, GDT103.2 and GDT102.2 will commence week beginning January 20th 2025.

Cód/Code Modúl/Module Seimeastar / Semester ECTS Scrúdú / Examination Arrangements
Cúrsa A /Course A
GDT101.2 Irish for Beginners 2 5 Measúnú leanúnach, scrúdú éisteachta scrúdú cainte agus scrúdú scríofa. Continuous Assessment, aural, oral and written exam.
OR Cúrsa B /Course B
GDT103.2 Irish for Beginners I: Conversation & Listening Skills 2 5 Scrúdú éisteachta agus cainte. Aural and oral exam.
GDT102.2 Irish for Beginners II: Reading and Writing 2 5 Measúnú leanúnach, scrúdú léitheoireachta agus scrúdú scríofa. Continuous assessment, reading and written exam.

Drama Theatre and Performance

Restricted Courses

These courses are filled strictly by application.  Please email drama@universityofgalway.ie by noon on Monday 13 January outlining why you want to take the course. Places are limited on all modules.


ALL visiting students are welcome to make an application.  However, a number of places are reserved for students from our partner institutions listed below:

Berea, Kentucky, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), New School, New York, University of Illinois Chicago, Tours, Oviedo, University of Malta, Curtin, Perth, Fraser Valley, BC


If there are specific modules you need to take to fulfil a requirement of your home institution please outline this in your application email and we will explore possibilities with you.


You can access Visiting Students Handbook with module descriptions by contacting Head of Discipline and Head of Undergraduate Studies in Drama and Theatre Studies, Dr Charlotte McIvor (charlotte.mcivor@universityofgalway.ie) or our administrative team (drama@universityofgalway.ie)  

Location O’Donoghue Centre for Drama Theatre and Performance
Contact drama@universityofgalway.ie / charlotte.mcivor@universityofgalway.ie / 091 492631
Website http://www.universityofgalway.ie/drama
Module Code Module Description Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
TP307 Theatre in Practice 2 30 Continuous Assessment
DT201 Introduction to Devising 2 5 Continuous Assessment
DT204 Introduction to Playwriting 2 5 Continuous Assessment
DT2104 Contemporary Drama 2 5 Continuous Assessment
DT4108 Arts Management 2 5 Continuous Assessment


Location: Room 201, Economics (St Anthony’s part of) Cairnes Building
Contact: economics@universityofgalway.ie / 091 492501
Course Info: http://www.universityofgalway.ie/cairnes/currentstudents/visitingstudents/moduleoutlines/
Timetable: http://www.universityofgalway.ie/business-public-policy-law/cairnes/currentstudents/visitingstudents/

Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions and timetables.

Refer also to list of modules offered by College of Business, Public Policy and Law included in this Booklet.

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
EC141 Principles of Macroeconomics 2 5 2 hour examination paper
EC268 Intermediate Macroeconomics 2 5 2 hour examination paper
EC2101 Macroeconomics and the Business Environment 2 5 2 hour examination paper
EC275 Statistics for Economics 2 5 Continuous assessment
EC259 Economics of Public Policy 2 5 2 hour examination paper
EC247 Introduction to Financial Economics 2 5 2 hour examination paper
EC362 Economics of Financial Markets 2 5 2 hour examination paper
EC386 Public Economics 2 5 2 hour examination paper
EC3102 Macroeconomics and Public Policy 2 5 2 hour examination paper
EC3100 Economics and Philosophy 2 5 2 hour examination paper
  • Some modules may not be available due to timetable clashes.
  • Continuous assessment (e.g. term papers, assignments, in-class tests, projects, etc.) forms part of your overall grade for most modules, in addition to end of semester examination paper. Please consult individual lecturers for details.
  • Students can only choose only one of EC2101 Macroeconomics and the Business Environment or EC268 Intermediate Macroeconomics.
  • Students can only choose only one of EC259 Economics of Public Policy or EC247 Introduction to Financial Economics
  • For further information please contact economics@universityofgalway.ie


Important Notice

Visiting Students should note that some Examinations may be scheduled during Study week in Semester 2 and therefore students should not make travel arrangements during or around this week.

Location: Tower Block 1, Floor 3, Arts/Science Building
Contact: english@universityofgalway.ie 091 492567
Website: English – University of Galway
Timetable: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/colleges-and-schools/arts-social-sciences-and-celtic-studies/english-media-creative-arts/departments-centres/english/visiting-students/

Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions.

Module Code Module Description Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
EN2125 Studies in Medieval Literature 2 5 Essay
EN3188 Drama and Theatre Studies 2 5 Essay and Continuous Assessment
EN2303 Genre Studies 2 5 Essay
EN2312 Old English Poetry 2 5 Essay
EN4113 Ecology and Literature 2 5 Essay
EN3187 Contemporary Literature 2 5 Essay
EN2195 Creative Writing 2 5 Essay
EN2311 Renasissance Drama 2 5 Essay
EN2302 Shakespearean Comedies C 2 5 Essay
EN2198 Exploring Shakespeare B
2 5 Essay
EN2199 Exploring Shakespeare C 2 5 Essay
EN3186 Empire Writing   2 5 Essay
EN3175 Transformations of the Novel 2 5 Essay
EN3191 Poetry of the First World War C 2 5 Essay
EN3192 Poetry of the First World War D 2 5 Essay
EN3200 Technology and Culture B 2 5 Essay
EN3201 James Joyce Ulysses 2 5 Essay
EN2188 Jane Austen 2 5 Essay
IS2110 Negotiating Identities 2 5 Essay
EN2180 19th Century Detective Fiction 2 5 Essay
EN3179 African Fiction 2 5 Essay
EN2190 Nineteenth Century Writing 2 5 Essay
EN2178 Postcolonial Literature 2 5 Essay
EN2184 Special Topic 2 5 Essay
EN3194 Literature and Environmental Crisis 2 5 Essay and Continuous Assessment
EN3183 Special Theme 2 5 Essay and Project
EN3167 World Literature 2 5 Essay and Continuous Assessment
EN3163 Autism Fictions, Autistic Writing 2 5 Essay

Important Notes:

  • Visiting Students may take as many Lecture modules as their timetable allows.
  • NOTE: Students may only take ONE seminar module. Places in seminars are limited and you cannot be guaranteed a place in your preferred seminar. The list of seminars (above) is subject to change. Please consult the VS Course Outline on the department’s website.

Film Studies

Location: Huston School of Film and Digital Media
Contact: info@filmschool.ie 091 495076
Website: Huston School of Film & Digital Media – University of Galway
Timetable: Undergraduate Programmes – University of Galway
These modules are only available to exchange students attending from the following Universities:
Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA; University of California, USA; University of Southampton, UK; University of Kent, Canterbury, UK; Universidad Cardinal Herrera, Valencia, Spain
Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
FS304 Digital Storytelling 2 5 Continuous Assessment
FS2100 Themes in European Cinema 2 5 Continuous Assessment
FM1100 Introduction to Visual Culture 2 5 Continuous Assessment
FM3110 1980’s American Cinema: Themes & Performances 2 5 Continuous Assessment
FM4102 Creative Programming and Exploratory Computing  2 5 Continuous Assessment
FM4108* Sport and Cinema 2 5 Continuous Assessment
FM4110 Television Drama 2 5 Continuous Assessment

*  These modules are also available to Journalism and Media students.

Registration must be approved by the Course Director.  Students must email info@filmschool.ie to request registration on a module


Location: Room 2013, 2nd Floor, Arts Millennium Building
Contact: emer.oflynn@universityofgalway.ie 091 492397
Website: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/french/undergraduate-courses/bajoint-honours/
Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions. Course descriptions can be found by browsing to “Undergraduate Programmes > BA (Joint Honours) > First Year, Second Year, Final Year.



Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
FR111 French Language 2x 2 5 Continuous Assessment and 2 hour examination and Oral
FR2202 French Language II (VS S2) 2 5 Continuous Assessment (50%) and 2 hour examination (50%)
FR3202 French Language III (VS S2) 2 5 Continuous Assessment (50%) and 2 hour examination (50%)
FR4202 French Language IV (VS S2) 2 10 Continuous Assessment (50%) and end-of-year, 2 hour examination in class (50%)
Important Notice for U.S. and Non-Francophone Visiting Students

The Discipline of French does not offer a beginners’ course in the French language. With regard to literature modules, it should be noted that the language of instruction is French.

Please note that your level in French will have to be assessed prior to registration for any module.


Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
FR2100 Expressing French and Francophone Identities 2 5 Examination, CA
FR267 La France mise en scène 2 5 Departmental Assessment
FR366 French & Francophone Studies 10 2 5 2 hour examination, CA
FR380 French & Francophone Studies 11 2 5 Essay, dept. assessment

N.B. FR4202 is reserved for Francophone native speakers only and is not suited to Erasmus students from other non-Francophone countries. Admission is on a first-come, first-served basis and class numbers are restricted.



Location: Room 101, Ground Floor, Geography Wing, Arts Science Building
Contact: Christina.costello@universityofgalway.ie 091 495908
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/geography/
Timetable: Geography Timetables & Module Outlines – University of Galway

Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions. Descriptions are listed under 1BA, 2BA and 3BA.

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
TI150 Principles of Human Geography 2 5 2 hour Examination
TI252 Theory and Practice 2 2 5 Projects; Research Proposal
TI236 Environmental Planning: Principles & Processes 2 5 Continuous Assessment
TI248 Coastal Environments 2 5 Continuous Assessment
TI2108 Introduction to Palaeoclimatology 2 5 Continuous Assessment
TI2109 Marine Spatial Planning 2 5 Continuous Assessment
TI311 Advanced GIS 2 5 Continuous Assessment
TI338 Palaeoecology- Reconstructing Past environments 2 5 Continuous Assessment
TI3117 Migration, Mobility and Belonging 2 5 Continuous Assessment
DEV1100 Introduction to Sustainable Development I 2 5 Continuous Assessment
DEV2100 Comparative Rural Business Development 2 5 Continuous Assessment
DEV2102 Development Policy & Practice 2 5 Continuous Assessment
DEV2103 International Development Seminar 2 5 Continuous Assessment
BSS2104 Introduction to Sustainability 2 2 5 Continuous Assessment

Shaded area indicates timetable clash so can only do one OR the other of those modules.


Location: Room AM2006, Floor 2, Arts Millennium
Contact: natalierebecca.nevin@universityofgalway.ie  091 492226
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/german/

Modules are teaching units consisting of seminars, projects and lectures. Please use the website listed above to access detailed module descriptions.

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
GR131 Beginners German Language 2 2 5 2 hour examination, Continuous Assessment and Oral
GR143 Advanced German Language 2 2 5 2 hour examination, Continuous Assessment and Oral
GR235 History of German Literature and Culture II 2 5 2 hour examination
GR237 German Language II 2 5 2 hour examination, Continuous Assessment and Oral
GR240 German Studies II 2 5 Continuous Assessment
GR339 German Cultural Studies III 2 5 Continuous Assessment
GR340 German Cultural Studies IV 2 5 Continuous Assessment
GR342 German Language II 2 5 2 hour examination, Continuous Assessment and Oral



Location: Room 405, Floor 2, Tower 1, Arts/Science Building
Contact: history@universityofgalway.ie 091 492537
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/history/
https://www.universityofgalway.ie/colleges-and-schools/arts-social-sciences-and-celtic-studies/history-philosophy/disciplines-centres/history/visiting-students/ – Click on the Choosing and Registering for your Modules drop down

Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions.

Seminars And Colloquia – Special Note
History Colloquia for Second Year and History Seminars for Final Year are 10 ECTS modules (rather than 5 ECTS, as is the case with all other History modules). A description of each module is available on the History website. Up to three places in each module have been reserved for Visiting Students. Students may register for either one History Colloquium or one History Seminar. Permission to register for a particular History Colloquium or a History Seminar must be arranged through the Discipline of History before registration. Students should email to the seminar co-ordinator as soon as possible and before the first meeting of the Seminar/Colloquia, requesting a place and explaining why you want to do this particular class. The History Administrative Assistants will let you know if you have a place.
There may be limits on the number of students enrolling on popular lecture modules.

Examination Arrangements
Seminar and Colloquia modules are assessed by continuous assessment, consisting of a mixture of written assignments, presentations and class participation. Lecture modules are assessed by a mid-term essay and an end-of-term exam.

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
HI2151 Europe Since 1950 2 5 Exam
HI362 Party & Power In 19th & 20th Century British History 2 5 Exam
HI292 Central Europe 2 5 Exam
HI3198 Themes in Modern Irish History 2 5 Exam
HI3201 Themes in History of Race and Ethnicity 2 5 Exam
HI2156 Revolutionary Technologies, from Steam to Green 2 5 Exam
HI494 British Social Movements Since 1945: Sex, Colour, Peace and Power 2 10 Continuous Assessment
HI431 French Mobilisation and the Great War, 1914-1924 2 10 Continuous Assessment
HI166 Ireland in the 1950s 2 10 Continuous Assessment
HI2103 Monarchy and Society in 17th-Century France 2 10 Continuous Assessment
HI2159 Land and Revolution in Ireland, 1879-1922 2 10 Continuous Assessment

Irish Studies

Location: Martha Fox House, Distillery Road
Contact: samantha.williams@universityofgalway.ie 091 492051
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/irish-studies/

Please refer to the website listed above for module descriptions, timetables and details of registration.

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
IS2110 Negotiating Identities: Aspects of 20th Century Irish Writing 2 5 Essays
IS1104 The Migrant Experience in Modern Irish Writing 2 5 Continuous Assessment
IS1106 Imagining Modern Ireland: An introduction to Modern Irish Culture Studies 2 5 Exam
IS2100 Music, Gender and Ireland 2 5 Continuous Assessment
IS1102 * Introduction to Irish Life and Culture 2 10 Continuous Assessment
IS2103 Irish Landscapes, Culture and Literature 2 5 Continuous Assessment

* Introduction to Irish Life and Culture is only available to Visiting Students from Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Willamette University and University of Portland


Location: Room 2013, Floor 2, Arts Millennium Building
Contact: italian@universityofgalway.ie 091 492397
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/italian/
Information for Visiting Students – University of Galway

Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions and timetables. They can be found under ‘Undergraduate > BA (Joint Honours) >  First Arts, Second Arts, Final Arts’

Italian language modules
The following modules are on offer to visiting students here for one semester only.

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
IT125* Italian Language 2 2 5 2 hour examination
IT236** Intermediate Language II 2 5 2 hour examination

* Visiting Students must have at least one Year of Italian or equivalent taken to register for this module.

** Visiting Students must have at least one Year of Italian or equivalent taken to register for this course.

Additional Italian modules which may also be taken by visiting students

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
IT237 Applied Language Skills: Intercultural Studies 2 5 Continuous Assessment
IT239 Italian Culture and Society II 2 5 Continuous Assessment
IT344 Italian Children’s Literature 2 5 Continuous Assessment
IT343 Italian Culture & Society IV 2 5 Continuous Assessment


Journalism and Media

Location: Room 511, Tower 1, Arts/Science building
Contact: journalism@universityofgalway.ie




Please use the website listed above for course descriptions and timetables.

Some Film Studies modules are available to Journalism and Media studentsSee Film Studies section for details.

These modules are only available to incoming Erasmus students from universities with specific Erasmus exchange partnerships with the Discipline of Journalism and Media. These include: University of Bologna, University of Ghent, CEU Cardenal Herrera (Valencia, Spain), Stockholm University, University of Volda (Norway), HAN University (Arnhem, Netherlands), Comenius University (Bratislava, Slovakia), Basque Country, Spain), RheinMain University (Wiesbaden, Germany), University of Tartu (Estonia)

As timetable requirements may vary, some modules may run at the same time as other modules.

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
AJ4115 Gender, Race and the Media 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AJ2107 Sports Journalism  2 5 Continuous Assessment
AJ2114 Communicating Through Storytelling 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AJ2100 Online and Social Media: Theory and Practice 2 5 Continuous Assessment
The Media and Global Migration 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AJ2110 How Television Lobotomised the World 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AJ4116 Crime, Criminals and the Media 2 5 Continuous Assessment
AJ4102 Global Political Economy of the Mass Media 2 5 Continuous Assessment


Location: Room ADB-G025, Ground Floor Árus de Brún.
Contact: collette.mcloughlin@universityofgalway.ie 091 493639
Website: http://www.maths.universityofgalway.ie/cstudents/

Admission of Visiting and Erasmus Students is subject to the agreement of the Head of Discipline and will depend upon the applicant’s academic background in the relevant subject area.
Modules coded in 200 series usually represent 2nd Year level and those coded in 300/400 series represent 3rd Year level.

Code Module ECTS Semester Exam Sem 2 Exam Duration No. Exam Papers
MA203 Linear Algebra 5 2 2 2 1
MA212 Calculus II 5 2 2 2 1
MA216 Mathematical Molecular Biology II 5 2 2 2 1
MA283 Linear Algebra (Higher Level) 5 2 2 2 1
MA2287 Complex Analysis (Higher Level) 5 2 2 2 1
MA302 Complex Variable 5 2 2 2 1
CS3101 Software for Mathematical Scientists and Educators 5 2 2 2 1
MA334 Geometry 5 2 2 2 1
MA342 Topology (Higher Level) 5 2 2 2 1
MA3491 Fields & Applications (Higher Level) 5 2 2 2 1
MA378 Numerical Analysis II (Higher Level) 5 2 2 2 1
MA482 Functional Analysis (Higher Level) 5 2 2 2 1
ST2004 Statistical Inference 5 2 2 2 1
ST2002 Statistics in Data Science 2 5 2 2 2 1
ST312 Applied Statistics II 5 2 2 2 1
CS319 Scientific Computing 5 2 2 2 1
CS402 Cryptography (Higher Level) 5 2 2 2 1
MA438 Introduction to Mathematical Research Topics II 5 2 2 2 1
MA4344 Advanced Group Theory 5 2 2 2 1


Location: Siobhán McKenna Theatre, Arts Millennium Building
Contact: music@universityofgalway.ie 091 49 4334
These modules are only available to exchange students attending from the following Universities:
Restricted Courses (1EM1 by partnership ONLY and 1OA3)
University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès, France
University of Bologna, Italy
University of Oviedo, Spain
University of Notre Dame, USA
Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
MU2105 Musical Theatre 2 5 Continuous Assessment
MU2108 Music History 2 2 5 Continuous Assessment
MU2107 Introduction to Sound Technology 2 5 Continuous Assessment
MU4101 Women in Popular Music 2 5 Continuous Assessment
MU4104 Music History 3 2 5 Continuous Assessment
MU2109 Irish Traditional Music Performance 2 5 Continuous Assessment
MU4102 Writing about Music: Performance Analysis 2 5 Continuous Assessment


Performance and Screen Studies

Location: O’Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre and  Performance  Huston School of Film and Digital Media
Contact: charlotte.mcivor@universityofgalway.ie   
Website: Performance and Screen Studies – University of Galway

Co-heads of Performance and Screen Studies, Dr Charlotte McIvor (charlotte.mcivor@universityofgalway.ie) and Dr Séan Crosson (sean.crosson@universityofgalway.ie).   

Code Module ECTs Examination Arrangements
PSS1101 Performing and Screening Ireland   5 Continuous Assessment 
PSS2101  Activism and Performance  5 Continuous Assessment 
PSS3102 Applied Performance in Educational, Social and Community Contexts 5 Continuous Assessment


Location: School of History and Philosophy , Room 311, Level 1, Tower 1.
Contact: philosophyadmin@universityofgalway.ie 091 492382
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/philosophy/
Timetable: https://www.universityofgalway.ie/colleges-and-schools/arts-social-sciences-and-celtic-studies/history-philosophy/disciplines-centres/philosophy/undergraduate-courses/visiting-students/

Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions. Course information is listed under Undergraduate Courses – ‘Visiting Students’. Modules offered may be subject to change.

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
PI129 Applied philosophical Text 2 5 End of term assignment, supplemented by some in-class exercises
PI207 Philosophy of Art 2 5 Essay + Oral Examination
PI241 History of Irish Thought 2 5 Essay + CA
PI108 Introduction to Practical Ethics 2 5 Essay and in-house examinations
PI2109 Philosophy in Irish Schools (S2)* 2 10 Continuous Assessment + Placement
PI310 Topics in Applied Philosophy 2 5 Essay
PI3105 Philosophy of Nature 2 5 Continuous Assessment and Essay
PI3100 Kant’s Theoretical Philosophy 2 5 Essay + CA
PI2112 Themes in the History of Modern Philosophy 2: Empiricism and Beyond 2 5 Exam + CA
PI2102 Formal Logic 2 5 Exam, supplemented by a small CA component

*US students wishing to enroll on this module will require police clearance from the United States. Students should plan to bring police clearance documentation with them to Ireland. There are a limited number of places and you must complete an application form.


Location: 2nd Floor, Arts Millennium Extension
Contact: psychology@universityofgalway.ie 091 493101
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/psy/

Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions or visit https://openpress.universityofgalway.ie/psychologyvisitingstudentmodules2425sem2/ 

Code Module Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
+PS124 Introductory Psychology 2 2 5 2 hour examination
PS3122 Cognitive Psychology 2 5 2 hour examination paper
PS418* Issues in the Cognitive Neurosciences 2 5 Exam and Continuous Assessment
PS427 Forensic, Abnormal and Clinical Psychology 2 5 2 hour examination paper
PS428 Social Psychology 2 5 Continuous Assessment
PS3100 Historical and Conceptual Issues 2 5 Continuous Assessment
PS3106* Language & Cognition: A Contextual Behavioural Approach 2 5 2 hour examination paper
PS345* Applied Developmental Psychology 2 5 Continuous Assessment
PS219 Research Methods in Psychology 2 5 Continuous Assessment
PS341* Introduction to Collaborative Enquiry Semester 2 5 Continuous Assessment

+ Only students attending for the full academic year may take the module PS124 Introductory Psychology 2 provided they have attended PS122 Introductory Psychology 1 in Semester 1

Please note: Due to the inclusion of modules from the Second and Final Year of the Psychology programme timetable clashes may emerge which may affect module selection.

Admission to some modules will depend on the academic background of the student in the relevant subject area. Please consult the module coordinator.
*Please note that caps apply to these elective modules and places are limited


Sociological and Political Studies

Location: Room 324, Floor 2, Áras Moyola
Contact: vesna.malesevic@universityofgalway.ie / 091 495014
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/soc/
Visiting Students – University of Galway

Students should consult Visiting Students Handbook available on the School website.

Please use the website listed above to access module descriptions. Students should use the Student Handbooks for 1st – 4th year to source module descriptions.

Lecture Modules
Module Code Module Description Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
SP1126 Introduction to  Sociology 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP212 Classical Social Thought 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP2123 Modern European Thought 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP405 Contemporary Social Thought 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3137 Youth & Society 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3139 Comparative Government & Politics 2 5 Departmental Assessment

Seminar Modules

Please register for seminar modules through your University of Galway student registration portal. If you experience difficulties, please contact the School.

The contact is Vesna Malesevic, Room 324 Aras Moyola. E-mail: vesna.malesevic@universityofgalway.ie / tel: 091 495014.

The registration process is explained in the Visiting Students Handbook available on the School website.


Module Code Module Description Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
SP618 Welfare Words: Key Words in Social Work and Social Welfare 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP721 Ocean and Marine Politics 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP420 Sociology of Environment 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3192 Sociology of Religion 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3129 Sexualities, Genders and Diversities 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP4131 Smart and Liveable Cities and Suburbs 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3141 Socially Engaged Art and Relations of Power 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3194 Theories of Nationalism 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3193 Introduction to Social Work 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3101 ‘Community’: Significance & Change 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP4132 Revisiting Violence: Aggression & Abuse in Contemporary Irish Family and Institutional Life 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3198 Songs of Rebellion: Power, Resistance, and Affect 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP701 Children & Young People in Families Today 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3144 Political Liberty 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3103 European Union: Polity, Political Economy, & International Role 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3150 Teaching Methods for the Politics and Society Classroom 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3214 Biosociality and Bio-economy: The value(s) of Living Things 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3213 Contemporary African Politics 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SP3215 Security & World Affairs: People, Planet, Places 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SPL304 Women, Men and Economy: Critical Explo-rations of Theory & Policy 2 5 Departmental Assessment

Equivalent modules may be substituted from time to time for any of the above under exceptional circumstances approved by the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies.


Location: Floor 2, Arts Millennium Building
Contact: spanish@universityofgalway.ie 091 492626
Website: www.universityofgalway.ie/spanish/
Timetable: BA (Joint Honours) / BA International – University of Galway

Please use the link above for course descriptions and timetables.

Code Module Description Semester ECTS Examination Arrangements
SH2103 Spanish Language II 2 5 2 hour written exam, Continuous Assessment and Oral
SH233 Hispanic Literature & Culture II 2 5  Continuous Assessment
SH340 Spanish Language IV 2 10 2 hour written exam, Continuous Assessment and Oral
SH3104 Hispanic Research: From Theory to Practice 2 5 Departmental Assessment
SH2202 Spanish Language II (Applied) 2 5 2 hour written exam, continuous assessment and oral exam
SH3202 Spanish for Visiting Students III (Commerce) 2 5 2 hour written exam, continuous assessment and oral exam



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