
Lecture Venues

Campus map

A version of the map is available to download – University of Galway Campus Map.

The Your Campus section of our website also contains useful information for getting to and from campus and also getting around campus whilst on site.

Find your classroom

This page sets out the buildings on campus where your classes may take place, and should help you to find your classroom. The key thing to understand is that many lecture and tutorial venues are given by some letters (that denote a particular building) and a number (that sometimes denotes the floor of the building where you can find the venue).

The list starts at the North Campus and works down towards the South Campus. Consult the list in conjunction with a map of the campus, preferably the map with photos of the buildings that you should have received at orientation. A version of this map is also available – University of Galway Campus Map.

Note that TBA means ‘To be announced’ and TBC means ‘To be confirmed’. These are not venues. It means that the venues for these classes haven’t yet been finalised.

Institute for Lifecourse and Society (ILAS) Non-standard occasional lectures occur here.

Biomedical Sciences Lectures, labs and classes do not take place here. There is one seminar room: BMS-G031.

Cairnes Building This building houses the JE Cairnes School of Business and Economics. If your class venue begins with CA, you should go to this building.

Alice Perry Engineering Building This building houses the College of Engineering and Informatics. If your class venue begins with ENG, you should go to this building.

Áras Moyola: This building houses a number of disciplines, including the School of Political Science and Sociology and some Health Sciences such as Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Nursing, and Speech and Language Therapy. If your class venue begins with MY, you should go to this building.

Arts/Science Building: This is the very large 1970s building that is just across from, and on the same level as, the Library. It has two towers and extends back as far as the river. The large sculpture outside is called ‘The Big Yellow’. The long corridor with the Bank of Ireland at one end is universally known as ‘the Concourse’. Detailed floor plans of this building are available just inside the main entrance across from the Library. Some of the corridors are colour-coded (all of the paintwork is yellow, blue, green, or red). If your class venue begins with AC, you should go to this building. Some classes take place in the Tower Blocks – these venues may start with TB. TB1 is at the Smokey’s Café end of the concourse. TB2 is at the Bank of Ireland end, housing Law and Classics. The Arts/Science Building also houses some of the largest lecture theatres on campus, including the O’Flaherty, Kirwan, McMunn, Anderson, D’Arcy Thompson, Tyndall, Larmor and Dillon theatres.

Computer Science Building: The Computer Science building is linked to the Arts/Science building via a ‘bridge’ over the fire road that runs along the back of that building. You can reach it via the Chemistry corridor from the Concourse. If your class venue begins with CSB, you should go to this building. There are some large lecture theatres here as well, including CSB-1005 and CSB-1006 on the first floor, and CSB-G005 on the ground floor.

Orbsen Building: The NCBES (National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science) use Seminar room 214 for classes.

Arts Millennium Building: The Arts Millennium Building is across from the Library entrance (towards  the left if you stand at the Library entrance looking out) and extends down to the Newcastle Road. The Arts Millennium building has an extension which houses the School of Psychology. This is located to the right of the Arts Millennium Building if you are standing facing the building. If your class venue begins with AMB, you will find it in either of these locations.

The majority of the classrooms in the main Arts Millennium Building can be found on the ground floor, on the left-hand side when you enter the building.  These includes:
AMB-G005, AMB-G006, AMB-G007, AMB-G008, AMB-G009, AMB-G010, AMB-G012.  Two further smaller classrooms (AMB-G021 and AMB-G022) are located on the corridor behind the reception desk.  Further along that corridor the three language laboratories can be found:
AMB-G017, AMB-G018, AMB-G019 (two of them beside the lift at the Newcastle Road end of the building).  The Arts Millennium building also houses some large lecture theatres on the first floor, including the Colm Ó hEocha, O’Tnuathail, Fottrell and Siobhán McKenna theatres.

As regards the Psychology Building all the Seminar Rooms are located on the ground floor.
AMB-G035, AMB-G036, AMB-G043 are all located on the left-hand corridor when you enter the building while AMB-G067, AMB-G066, AMB-G065 are located on the right-hand corridor.

Áras na Gaeilge: The lecture theatre in Áras na Gaeilge is called an Téatar. It also houses two classrooms called Seomra 104 and Seomra 105.

Human Biology Building: This building is located across from the O’Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance and Áras na Mac Léinn. It is used for limited Medicine, Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology teaching in Theatre 1 and Theatre 2.

Áras Uí Chathail: Áras Uí Chathail is the building with the green roof that houses many student services, including the Student Information Desk, the Access Centre, Fees, Registration and Accommodation. It has one lecture theatre on the ground floor, AUC G002.

Áras na Mac Léinn: This is the University of Galway Student Centre, where many co-curricular and extracurricular activities take place such as Societies events and Students’ Union events. It houses the Bailey Allen Hall, which is used predominantly for large-scale NUI Galway events. Some teaching occasionally takes place in the View, the Space, Meeting Room 1, Meeting Room 2, the Cube, the Large Acoustic Room and the Small Acoustic Room.

O’Donoghue Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance: This houses a Seminar Room, and Studios 1, 2, 3. It is used to teach Drama, Theatre and Performance.

Martin Ryan Building: The MRA201 lecture theatre is located here.

Irish Centre for Human Rights: There is one seminar room located here.

The Centre for Irish Studies: This is located at 4 Distillery Road. Irish Studies lectures, seminars and workshops take place in Seminar Room 103.

Huston Film School: There are three classrooms in the main building: Huston Main, Room 202 is located upstairs. Q1 (large classroom) and Q2 (small classroom) are located downstairs. Bubble 1 is a classroom located in the prefab to the left of the main Huston building

Lecture Venues List

Abbreviations Key
AC Arts Concourse
AM Arts Millennium
CA Cairnes Building (Business School)
ENG Engineering Building
CSB Computer Science Building
MY Áras Moyola
MRI Martin Ryan Institute
TB Tower Block 2, Concourse


Venue Location
Arts/Science Building, South Campus
Cairnes Theatre Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
D’Arcy Thompson Theatre Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
Dillon Theatre Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
KirwanTheatre Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
Larmor Theatre Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
McMunn Theatre Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
O’Flaherty Theatre Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
Tyndall Theatre Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
AC201 Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
AC202 Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
AC203 Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
AC204 Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
AC213 Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
AC214 Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
AC215 Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
AC216 Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
TB301 Tower Block 2, Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
TB302 Tower Block 2, Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
TB303 Tower Block 2, Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
TB304 Tower Block 2, Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
TB305 Tower Block 2, Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
TB307 Tower Block 2, Concourse, Arts/Science Bldg, South Campus
Áras Uí Chathail, South Campus
UC102 (Theatre, Áras Uí Chathail) Áras Uí Chathail, ground floor
Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AM104 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AM105 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AM107 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AM108 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AM109 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AM110 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AM112 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AM121 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AM122 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AM215 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AMB-2070 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AMB-G036 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AMB-G043 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AMB-G065 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AMB-G066 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
AMB-G067 Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
Fottrell Theatre Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
O’hEocha Theatre Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
O’Tnuathail Theatre Arts Millennium Building, South Campus
Block E, South Campus
E212 Block E (former Civil Engineering Building), 2nd floor
Computer Science Building, South Campus
CSB-G005 Computer Science Building (ground floor), South Campus
CSB-1007 Computer Science Building , South Campus
CSB-1008 Computer Science Building , South Campus
CSB-1009 Computer Science Building , South Campus
CSB-1002 Computer Science Building , South Campus
CSB-1003 Computer Science Building , South Campus
CSB-1005 Computer Science Building , South Campus
CSB-1006 Computer Science Building , South Campus
Marine Science Annexe, South Campus
MRA201 MRI Theatre Martin Ryan Institute Annex
Cairnes Building (North Campus)
CA001 Cairnes Building, North Campus
CA002 Cairnes Building, North Campus
CA003 Cairnes Building, North Campus
CA004 Cairnes Building, North Campus
CA005 Cairnes Building, North Campus
CA114 Cairnes Building, North Campus
CA115 Cairnes Building, North Campus
CA116a Cairnes Building, North Campus
CA117 (MBA Room) Cairnes Building, North Campus
CA118 Cairnes Building, North Campus
CA111 (Lecture Hall 1) St Anthony’s College, (beside Cairnes Building), North Campus
CA101 (Lecture Hall 2) St Anthony’s College, (beside Cairnes Building), North Campus
Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY123 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY124 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY125 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY126 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY127 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY129 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY231 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY232 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY243 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY336 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY337 Áras Moyola, North Campus
MY338 Áras Moyola, North Campus
Engineering Building, North Campus
ENG-G017 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-G018 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-G047 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-2001 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-2002 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-2003 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-2033 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-2034 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-2035 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-2036 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-3034 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-3035 Engineering Building (North Campus)
ENG-3036 Engineering Building (North Campus)


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