
7 Acknowledgements

This book and its materials in Spanish and English have received the support of the Hardiman library fund for the creation of open resources. The push that I needed to write them was given by Mel Boland, with his constant support, professional and academic inspiration, Dr Owen Harrington-Fernández, because he jumped into any translation studies abyss spotted by both of us, Dr Lindsay Myers by sowing and growing this discipline in our School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at University of Galway and Dr Laura Filardo Llamas, standing by my side with her inexhaustible enthusiasm many many times. Of course, this book is dedicated to my partner, David Westbrook, and my daughter, Alicia Alderete-Westbrook, without their guidance, I wouldn’t have even looked into the fictional worlds that have opened up our lives.

I would like to give Ms Ciara Griffin, alumni of the University of Galway, the credit of being a translator and editor of this version in English. Subsequent editing and proof-reading of this book has been done by Ms Sarah Gallagher, a volunteer student of University of Galway.

I would like to apologize if I use the generic masculine pronouns. I have tried my best to manifest my commitment to non-binary definitions.