Citing & Referencing
Chicago Style of Citing and Referencing
Chicago: Notes and Bibliography (NB) Format
The notes and bibliography (NB) format is mainly used in the humanities: notably in literature, history, and the arts. In Chicago (NB), citations take the form of a superscript1 number in the text. This corresponds to a numbered footnote, or endnote, or occasionally both are used. Sources are also usually listed in a separate bibliography.
Chicago: Author-Date Format
Author-date format is more commonly used in the physical, natural, and social sciences. In Chicago author-date, citations take the form of author’s last name and year of publication, usually enclosed in parentheses. Each in-text citation then matches up with an entry in a reference list.
The following resources can help you when citing and referencing using the Chicago Style of citing and referencing.
The Chicago Manual of Style Online
This website contains useful information, notably the citation quick guide. Click on the image or link below to visit the site.

Click here to visit the Chicago Manual of Style Online
The site asks you to log in to access full text of the Chicago Manual of Style – we do not have access online, however we do have the book in print in the Library; please see below.
The Chicago Manual of Style, The University of Chicago Press
The University of Chicago Press (2017) The Chicago manual of style, 17th ed., Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
To view the full style guide (not available at the website above) click on the image above, or the link below, to reach the book’s catalogue record. We hold this item in print in the Library. Chapters 14 and 15 provide comprehensive information on citing and referencing in both Chicago formats.
Click here to find this book in print in the Library.
The 18th edition of the style guide is on order and is due for delivery autumn 2024. Click on the image or the link below for further details.
The University of Chicago Press (2024) The Chicago manual of style, 18th ed., Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Cite Them Right, Richard Pears and Graham Shields
Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2022) Cite them right: the essential referencing guide, 12th ed., London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Click here to access this item in electronic format
Click here to find this book in print in the Library
Section I of this guide addresses both formats of the Chicago citing and referencing style, although it focuses primarily on (NB). It provides guidance on style conventions and examples of how to reference many different kinds of sources. The Library has both print and electronic copies of this book. Click on the image or links above to learn more.