Private: Searching the Library Catalogue & Databases
Databases by Function

The final way of classifying databases is by their function; by this we mean according to the very specialised type of content, or information format, that they contain. Click on the links below to explore some commonly used databases that contain a specific type of information, or information in a particular format .
Databases: Market Research
Offers research reports covering Ireland. The reports analyse market drivers, sizes and trends, market segmentation, along with consumer attitudes and purchasing habits.
An EBSCO-provided database, Business Source complete includes market research among other types of information including scholarly information and trade publications. To limit a search to market research, look for ‘Market Research Report’ under the ‘Publication Type’ menu when searching.

Databases: Standards
Standards are published documents that establish specifications and procedures designed to ensure the reliability of materials, products, methods and/or services. The Library provides access to the full text of standards via the following databases:
Technical standards and protocols published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) are available via this database.NSAI
Access full text of Irish (IS), European (EN), and International (ISO) standards via the NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) database.
Access the full text of standards published by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) via this database.
Databases: Newspapers and Popular Press
You can find many individual newspapers and non-scholarly periodicals via the Library catalogue simply by searching for the title of the publication in the catalogue. You can find the Irish Times, The Economist, or the Harvard Business Review in this way, for example.
You can also search the catalogue for archival newspaper collections that we hold by searching for the title of the newspaper. We hold archival collections of newspapers such as the Illustrated London News and the New York Times.
If using the title to search the catalogue does not yield the publication, try searching for it in one of the following databases:
Irish Newspaper Archives
The Irish Newspaper Archives contain county and local Irish newspapers including the Irish Independent, the Galway City Tribune, as well as papers no longer publishing such as the Kerry Champion and the Irish Farmers Journal. While it is an archive, some of the titles contained in this database include the current (daily/weekly) issue.
European Newsstream
European Newsstream provides information from the world’s top news resources and access to regional and local news from countries European-wide. Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, The Daily Telegraph, les Echos, Die Zeit, El Mundo, and the BBC Monitoring series of publications are just a few of the sources in ProQuest European Newsstream.
Nexis is another good place to look for information from mainstream news sources. Nexis is a curated collection of over 40,000 news and business sources. Nexis collates trusted premium and web news, company profiles, legal content and industry information.
Gale NewsVault
Gale NewsVault includes historical newspaper archives of titles including The Times Digital Archive and the Economist Historical Archive. It also provides access to the British Library Newspapers collection which features influential national and regional newspapers representing different political and cultural segments of British society.
Further information is contained in the “Finding Newspapers” section of Chapter II
Databases: Legislation and Caselaw
Recent legislation can be discovered via relevant legislative or governmental websites, so the Houses of the Oireachtas website for recent Irish legislation for instance, or United Kingdom legislation at
The Irish Statute Book provides online access to all Irish acts and Statutory Instruments from 1922-present.
The following databases accessible via the Library catalogue also contain legislation, and case law.
This is our main Irish law database and includes information on case law, and legislation, as well as law journals. Westlaw IE includes more than 20,000 full text cases, consolidated Irish Court Rules, legislation, journals, and current awareness tools.
Excellent access to United Kingdom, European and international case law and legislation, as well as legal journals and more.
Lexis Plus
A legal database with global reach, includes Irish and United Kingdom case reports, legislation, legal journals, and more. Contains cases from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).
A database from the United States. Contains journals, US state and federal documents, case law, international resources, and more. Includes US Supreme Court reports.
Note: The print legislation and caselaw collections are located on the podium (ground) floor of the Library and are accessible during Library opening times. This material may not be borrowed.
Databases: Citation Indices
Citation indices are databases that keep track of who is citing whom in the academic literature, as well as how often a work has been cited. This can be useful in terms of evaluation of a source for its impact on scholarship as well as being a handy research tool – a link will normally be provided to all the works that cited an item, many of which might be related to your topic of research. As well as being excellent sources of scholarly and other information, Scopus and Web of Science are excellent citation indices.
Massive abstract and citation database comprising details on scientific journals, books, conference proceedings and other sources. Link to full-text where available via SFX. Scopus’ range spans the sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts & humanities.
Web of Science
The world’s original citation index of scientific literature, contains records for over 21000 peer-reviewed, high quality journals. Web of Science includes citations for sources in the sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts & humanities.
If you’re new to citation indexes, this short video highlights the unique benefits of using a citation index. Click on the image, or the link below, to access.
Introduction to citation indexes (Web of Science)
Databases: Grey Literature
Overton is the world’s largest collection of policy documents, parliamentary transcripts, government guidance and think tank research. It includes data from 188+ countries and territories in many different languages. There are over twelve million documents indexed in Overton, and hundreds of new documents are added each day. Documents are indexed to facilitate search, organisation into categories, and analysis to extract key terms and topics. Connections may be made between the grey literature, scholarly research, and the news media, giving insight into the evidence and influences that are shaping the world around us (adapted from publisher’s description).