Types of Information Sources

Finding Newspapers

Irish Regional and Provincial Newspapers

  • Copies of some Irish daily newspapers are available in the reading area in the Library foyer.
  • The archives of some Irish regional newspapers are available on the Irish Newspaper Archives database, accessible via the Library Catalogue. You can also view a tutorial on how to use the Irish Newspaper Archive
  • Most provincial newspapers have websites containing partial or complete copy of their current editions
  • A list of newspapers published in Ireland is available from the Press Council of Ireland

Irish National Newspapers

  • Copies of most Irish daily newspapers are held for one week in the Newspaper Browsing area
  • The Irish Times can be accessed via the Library Catalogue
  • The Irish Times Archiveis available for searching on the Library Catalogue and also on microfilm at 072.915, which needs to be requested.
  • The Irish Independentand the Freeman’s Journal can be searched on the Irish Newspaper Archive via the Library Catalogue
  • The complete run of the Irish Press Newspaper (1931-1995) is available on microfilm and on the Irish Newspaper Archive via the Library Catalogue
  • Some Irish titles are also available on our online databases Nexis Newspapers & Business and UK and Eire Reference Centre, both available via the Library catalogue

International Newspapers

Newspapers in Microform

  • The Library has a significant newspaper collection in microform, some located in the microform area on the ground floor, and some which are held in store and need to be requested.
  • Among the collections are Irish political and radical newspapers in the twentieth century and Irish politics and society through the press
  • Details of titles within these collections can be viewed by searching under the collection name on the Library Catalogue

Databases: Newspapers and Popular Press

You can find many individual newspapers and non-scholarly periodicals via the Library catalogue simply by searching for the title of the publication in the catalogue.  You can find the Irish Times, The Economist, or the Harvard Business Review in this way, for example.


You can also search the catalogue for archival newspaper collections that we hold by searching for the title of the newspaper. We hold archival collections of newspapers such as the Illustrated London News and the New York Times.


If using the title to search the catalogue does not yield the publication, try searching for it in one of the following databases:


Irish Newspaper Archives
The Irish Newspaper Archives contain county and local Irish newspapers including the Irish Independent, the Galway City Tribune, as well as papers no longer publishing such as the Kerry Champion and the Irish Farmers Journal.  While it is an archive, some of the titles contained in this database include the current (daily/weekly) issue.


European Newsstream 
European Newsstream provides information from the world’s top news resources and access to regional and local news from countries European-wide. Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, The Daily Telegraph, les Echos, Die Zeit, El Mundo, and the BBC Monitoring series of publications are just a few of the sources in ProQuest European Newsstream.


Nexis is another good place to look for information from mainstream news sources. Nexis is a curated collection of over 40,000 news and business sources. Nexis collates trusted premium and web news, company profiles, legal content and industry information.


Gale NewsVault
Gale NewsVault includes historical newspaper archives of titles including The Times Digital Archive and the Economist Historical Archive. It also provides access to the British Library Newspapers collection which features influential national and regional newspapers representing different political and cultural segments of British society.


Further information is contained in the “Finding Newspapers” section of Chapter II





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