Private: Searching the Library Catalogue & Databases

Searching the Library Catalogue

The first step in searching the Library catalogue is to locate it and log in for full access.  You can find the catalogue via the homepage of the the Library website; you log in by clicking on the button in the top right hand corner of the page.

image of homepage of Library websiteImage of homepage of Library website with url and catalogue button highlighted


When logging in to the Library catalogue students must use their University of Galway email address as their username. Staff must use (i.e. In both cases, the password is your campus account password. Watch the short video below for a demonstration on how to log in to the Library catalogue.  You can click on the video or the link below it.

Video: How to log in to the Library catalogue

Click to access the video: “How to log in to the Library Catalogue”


Once you are logged in to the Library catalogue you are ready to search.  Click on the tabs below for more videos on searching the catalogue. The last tab “Searching the Library catalogue using keywords” may be particularly useful at this point as it details how to search the catalogue when you have a topic and you want to find out what information is available on it, rather than searching for a specific book or a specific journal article. To access the videos click on the images or the links below them.

Print books – searching the catalogue and locating in the Library

Click to access the video: “Search for print books using the Library Catalogue”


Click to access the video: “How to locate a print book in the Library”

Electronic books – searching the catalogue and accessing

Click to access the video: “Search and access electronic books. Part 1”


Click to access the video: “Search and access electronic books. Part 2”

Journal articles -searching the catalogue and accessing

Click to access the video: “Search and access journal articles. Part 1”


Click to access the video: “Search and access journal articles. Part 2”

Searching the Library catalogue using keywords

Section III showed you how to develop search terms or “keywords” from your research question and how to put these together in a search strategy.  Take a look at this video that demonstrates how to search the Library catalogue using a simple search strategy – keywords along with phrase searching and Boolean operators. This video also demonstrates the advance search, and filtering functions, offered by the catalogue.


Click to access the video: “Search the Library Catalogue using keywords”


Searching the Library Catalogue using Keywords


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