Welcome to Research Skills for Students


Welcome to Research Skills for Students. This guide has been put together by the Academic Skills Team in the Library to ensure that you get the best support for your information needs for the academic year ahead. In this guide you will learn about  the importance of a research question, using scholarly sources, search strategies, citing and referencing and Endnote.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at: academicskills@universityofgalway.ie

You can find out more information about our service here.

Wishing you the very best in your studies for the year ahead.



Academic Skills Librarians & Assistants

Siobhan Carroll

Siobhan Carroll

Marketing/Engagement and Academic Skills Assistant
Email: siobhan.carroll@universityofgalway.ie
091 49 5229


Gabi Honan

Gabi Honan

Inter-Library Loans/Academic Skills Assistant
Email: gabi.honan@universityofgalway.ie
091 49 5229


Regina Lyons

Regina Lyons

Academic Skills Librarian
Email: regina.lyons@universityofgalway.ie
091 49 5229


Mike Smalle

Mike Smalle

Academic Skills Librarian
Email: michael.smalle@universityofgalway.ie
091 49 5228






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Research Skills for Students Copyright © by Academic Skills in the Library is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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