Please read this brochure carefully before you go on Erasmus+, and refer to it for reference.
It contains a lot of useful advice, as well as the answers to many questions posed by students before and during their mobility period abroad.
Please note that this booklet refers only to Erasmus+ Study Visits, where students attend classes and take exams at a higher education institution abroad. There is a separate handbook for students going on Erasmus+ Traineeships (internships or work placements), which can be found on our Erasmus+ Traineeships page.
Navigate this booklet using the dropdown menu at Contents on the left hand side of this page.


  • Please note that students normally resident in Ireland will only be approved to go on Erasmus+ if Irish Government advice indicates that it is safe to travel to the destination country.
  • You must be mindful of the risks involved in travelling to your destination, and in living and moving about in an area where there may be Covid-19 cases. This will feature in the Mobility (Risk) Assessment that all outbound students are required to complete.
  • Remember that travel insurance will not cover you if you go to another country against the advice of the Department of Foreign Affairs, so it may be wise to put off taking out an insurance policy until you at least know that travel to your destination is permitted.
  • Many Insurers have introduced strict conditions and in some cases exclusions in respect of Covid-19. Read the Policy Documentation very carefully so you understand the breath of the cover provided and any policy limitations
  • As part of your preparation to go abroad, you must keep a close eye on the travel advice by country that is published by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in relation to your destination country, as well paying close attention to the guidance issued by the HSE.
  • You will need to familiarise yourself with the public health protocols in your destination country and abide by any national regulations that may apply (e.g., self-isolation or quarantine after travel, wearing of masks, etc.). In this regard, the Reopen EU website is a useful resource.
  • Be aware that you may have to undertake Covid-19 testing as per the entry and departure requirements of your destination country. There is no provision within University of Galway for any associated costs.
  • You will need to make sure that you are fully informed of, and adhere to, all health and hygiene protocols in operation at your host university as well as in your student accommodation, in order to protect yourself and those with whom you come in contact.
  • Even when your host university offers face-to-face classes, you must remember that on-site university activities could potentially be subject to restrictions, which would mean that the student experience on campus (academic and social) could be affected to some degree. While most universities do plan to offer at least some face-to-face teaching, there is the possibility that they could have to switch quite suddenly to online delivery of classes if there is an outbreak of Covid-19.
  • European countries remain in a state of alert in relation to Covid-19, and you could find that certain aspects of everyday life once again become subject to restrictions under national laws and requirements. This could impact on various elements of your Erasmus+ experience and reduce the scope for taking part in cultural activities, socialising, etc.
  • Keep in mind that there may be new outbreaks of Covid-19 throughout the coming months, and that regional authorities could decide to impose lockdowns at any time to contain such outbreaks. This could mean that you might be unable to leave a locked-down area, and you would have to factor this risk into any plans you might make for weekend trips, breaks, etc., in the course of your Erasmus+ visit.
  • In an extreme scenario, you could be recalled back to Ireland by University of Galway. In this event, students will be offered reasonable assistance from the University but it should be noted that you hold sole responsibility for travel arrangements, etc., and the associated costs.
  • Changes of circumstances may lead to unforeseen financial commitments or losses, e.g., forfeited rent or rental deposits, flight cancellations, or changes.
  • As part of your Mobility Assessment, you will be required to sign a Study Abroad Declaration. This includes an acknowledgment by you that you understand and accept the risks that may be involved in taking part in Erasmus+ during the Covid-19 pandemic.



Handbook for Outgoing Erasmus+ Students (Study Visits) Copyright © by jodiblumenfeld. All Rights Reserved.