97 How to Opt-out of the Pressbooks Directory
By default, the Pressbooks Directory is designed to include a listing of all Public books from all PressbooksEDU networks. While we’re really excited about the Directory’s ability to help people find the educational resources they’re looking for, we realize that you may not want every public book on your network to be discoverable in the Directory, for any number of reasons. We believe that it’s important to give creators control over whether or not their public book is listed in the Pressbooks Directory.
This chapter will describe how to opt-out of inclusion in the Pressbooks Directory at the book level for your book (you must be a book administrator).
Directory opt-out for an individual book
By default, all individual book administrators on PressbooksEDU networks can choose to exclude their book from the Pressbooks Directory, even if its visibility/global privacy status is ‘Public.’ Please note that if a book’s visibility or global privacy setting is ‘Private,’ the book will not be included in the Pressbooks Directory, no matter what the Pressbooks Directory value is.
Book admins can find and change this setting for an individual book within their book’s dashboard under Settings > Sharing and Privacy Settings > Pressbooks Directory.

If a book’s visibility or global privacy setting is ‘Public’ and the Pressbooks Directory option is ‘Yes. I want this book to be listed in the Pressbooks Directory’ (the default value for public books) then the book will be listed in the directory.
If a book’s visibility or global privacy setting is ‘Public’ and the Pressbooks Directory option is ‘No. Exclude this book from the Pressbooks directory’ the book will not be included in the Pressbooks Directory. This selection is not permanent, and can be changed at any time.
Removal from the Pressbooks Directory (by making a book private or changing its Pressbooks Directory value) should be close to instantaneous. Addition to the Pressbooks Directory (by making a book public and/or changing the Pressbooks Directory value for a public book may take a short amount of time.
If this Pressboooks Directory option does not appear in your Sharing and Privacy Settings, please contact your network manager.